Page 3 - City of Hope HHI 2024 Spirit of Life Journal
P. 3

                                                  MESSAGE FROM THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT
 Michelle Newland
                            As president of the National Hardware/Homebuilding Industry (HHI) Executive Council, it is always an incredible privilege for me to congratulate our annual Spirit of Life® honoree. This, however, is a uniquely exciting year, as we have the opportunity to recognize three amazing leaders within our industry.
Tom Koos, Jeff Lorberbaum and Kevin Campbell are widely known for their leadership, as well as the significant impact they have made on their companies and our industry at large. Moreover, their support for City of Hope is an inspiration to each of us. We look forward to all they will do to further advance City of Hope’s mission as this year’s Spirit of Life honorees.
  Thank you, Tom, Jeff and Kevin, for your dedication to finding a cure for cancer. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition. Here’s to a wonderful year ahead as we continue to work together to spread the word about City of Hope and its life-changing work.
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