Page 7 - City of Hope HHI 2024 Spirit of Life Journal
P. 7

A nationwide system of provider and research entities
 Today, nearly 90 million Americans are now within driving distance of a City of Hope location.
                    — Clinical locations in five major cities nationwide
— 144,000 patients seen annually
— Advancing personalized diagnostics, precision therapeutics, data sciences and new technologies across the system
— 3.3 million people with access to oncology expertise through their employers
— Lives covered in all 50 states
      L LO OS S A A N N G G E E L L E E S S , , C C A A
O O R R A A N N G G E E C C O O U U N N T T Y Y, , C C A A
         With your support, we’re bringing hope to more patients and communities than ever before.
2024 SPIRIT OF LIFE® | 7

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