Page 1 - REDHILL_Old Redhill E-News Newsletter_July 2020_Draft 4
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                                                                                                     31 July 2020

                                                  Celebrating Childhood

                                     Dear Parents,

                                     As we approach the end of TERM 2, I find myself deeply reflecting on the past few
                                     months from March, when Lockdown was announced, to date. We have faced the
                                     challenges of online learning, distance connection, phasing in back to school and
                                     periods of quarantine classes – some difficult moments but always inspired and
                                     motivated by doing what is best for our children!  They have shown tremendous
                                     resilience in facing the challenge of constant change and they have never doubted
                                     that the fun and learning will continue no matter what!

                                     We  will  be  issuing  a  learning  evaluation  on  each  child,  based  on  the  online
                                     contributions  and  submissions,  and  for  those  who  have  returned  to  school,  the
                                     engagement  and  completion  of  tasks  in  our  daily  programme.  This  is  not
                                     assessment based but is information gained and recorded through interaction and
                                     observation. These evaluations will be emailed  to  parents before we close next

                                     To our parents, THANK YOU for your constant understanding, encouragement,
                                     and belief in Redhill.  This global crisis has certainly brought us all closer together,
                                     and knowing we have the support and appreciation of our parents gives us the
                                     drive to continue! Enjoy a restful break and we look forward to seeing you again
                                     as we commence Term 3!

                                     My grateful thanks, and with the deepfelt warmth, to our Redhill Community!


                                               Below are photos of our children doing what they do best,

                                               exploring, discovering, drawing, and painting, designing,
                                                   experimenting, collaborating, and HAVING FUN!

                                                  LEARNING THROUGH PLAY!
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