Page 100 - Craft of Whiskey Distilling
P. 100

94 | AmErICAn DIstIllInG InstItutE
year Two / The build Out
Building Improvements
electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection, General Construction
One year rent... $2,500 x 12
Build out expenses
Brewing Equipment (New and used) To Create Whiskey Wash
Boiler, Mash Tun, Two Fermentation Vessels
(Save $70,000 by buying wash from a craft distillery)
Distilling Equipment
(A simple pot still from Portugal or uSA)
350 Gallon Wash Still
100 gallon Spirits Still
Pumps, Hoses and Filtration System Hydrometers, Thermometers & ebulliometer Office furniture, computers, phones
(Legal Fees, Trademark etc.)
Year One T otal of Cash Out
$50,000 $30,000 $80,000
$35,000 $12,000
,000 $600 $4,000 $5,000
$15,600 $227,000
    (Start-up cash from saving or investor money. At this point do not borrow cash) Cash in the bank for things not planned $47,000
year Three
You have your DSP. Distilling three days and marketing two days of the week Products
Gin re-distilled or blended from NGS 60% of production Whiskey, from Malt— 40% of production
Annual Output, (Year Two)
Gin— 2,000 Cases
Whiskey— 30 barrels 660 Cases

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