Page 118 - Craft of Whiskey Distilling
P. 118

CrAFt oF WHIskEy DIstIllInG | 113
49 A whiskey barrel that’s been empty for a while will often:
[a ] lose its ability to mature whiskey
[b ] require re-charring
[c ] impart an undesirable flavor
[d ] be dried out and leak between the staves
50 Before barrel aging, whiskey should be diluted to the desired strength with:
[a ] [b ] [c ] [d ]
pure water feints
tails low-wine
51 The best locations to barrel-age whiskey are:
[a ] [b ] [c ] [d ]
hot, dry places that experience temperature swings
cool, humid places that maintain a constant temperature dark places, shaded from sunlight
moist places that keep the barrels from drying out
52 After the whiskey has been aging for awhile, but is not yet mature, the whiskey will:
[a ] [b ] [c ] [d ]
have a weak watery taste
have a raw woody taste, and will have a burnt flavor taste like finished whiskey, but will have no color taste like vodka, but will have a little color
53 When periodically tasting whiskey in the barrels to determine if it’s mature, the taster:
[a ] [b ]
[c ] [d ]
can judge by color development alone
should taste the whiskey mixed with a drink mixer like cola or inger ale
should cleanse their pallet by biting on a slice of lemon first
should nose and taste the whiskey at full strength, and then diluted half-and-half with water

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