Page 126 - Craft of Whiskey Distilling
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AmErICAn DIstIllInG InstItutE | 121
ii Buffalo Trace Distillery, Frankfort, KY
vi-vii Stranahans Colorado Whiskey, Denver, CO
viii Clear Creek Distillery, Portland, OR
x “Toasting,” at the Barrel Mill, Avon MN
7 [top] Leopold Bros., Denver, CO; [bottom] Sweetgrass Farm Distillery, union, Me
9 [clockwise from top left] Spirit of Maine Distillery, Gouldsbora, Me; Stranahans Colorado Whiskey, Denver, CO; Dry Fly Distillery, Spokane, WA; Huber Starlight Distillery, Borden, IN
16 [top] Belmont Farms, Culpepper, VA; [bottom] Copper Fox Distillery, Sperryville, VA
33 St. George Spirits, Alameda, CA
38 Leopold Bros., Denver, CO
40-41 Stranahans Colorado Whiskey, Denver, CO
42 Barrels unlimited, Fresno, CA
50 Dry Fly Distillery, Spokane, WA
56-57 Celebration Distillation, New Orleans, LA
60 David eliser and Diane Paulson at Cascade Peak Spirits, Ashland, OR
61 Tito Beveridge at Tito’s Handmade Vodka, Austin, TX
64 [top] St. George Spirits, Alameda, CA; [bottom] Mark Carpenter and Fritz Maytag at Anchor Distillery, San Francisco, CA
65 Bill Owens, ADI President (center) at Tuthilltown Spirits, Gardiner, NY
70 [top] Vermont Spirits, St. Johnsbury, Vt; [bottom] Mosby Winery, Buellton, CA
71 Philadelphia Distilling, Philadelphia, PA
74 [top] Dry Fly Distillery, Spokane, WA; [bottom] Don Pofferrock at Dry Fly Distillery, Spokane, WA
75 Chris Dowe at Maine Distilleries, Freeport, Me
80 Kent Rabish and George Wertman at Grand Traverse Distillery, Traverse City, MI
84 Viewing a mixing paddle and spray ball inside a pot still
92 Koening Distilling, Caldwell, ID
93 Dry Fly Distillery, Spokane, WA

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