Page 14 - Craft of Whiskey Distilling
P. 14

AmErICAn DIstIllInG InstItutE | xIII
  Moors Cap A still with a flat top (hat) The cap catches reflux, sending it back to the kettle for re-distillation.
NGS Neutral Grain Spirits. (190+ Alcohol) In the uSA it is produced from corn. NGS I used by distilleries
around the world for blending, vod- ka, gin, whiskey etc. It is the work- horse of the distillation industry and used by all many distilleries produc- ing 100s or products.
pH A measure of the acidity or al- kalinity of a solution, equal to 7 for neutral solutions, increasing with increasing alkalinity and decreasing with increasing acidity. The pH scale used ranges from 0 to 14.
Parrot A device that looks like a parrot, the bird, with a long beak. It holds the hydrometer— collects and cools alcohol running from the still. This allows the distiller to know the percent alcohol flowing from the still.
Proof An American term used to de- termine the strength of the alcohol.
For example; 120 proof is 60% alco- hol or abv.
Relfux When vapors in the still are cooled they fall back into the still as liquid. The amount of the reflux ob- tained depends on the shape of the still and the angle of the lyne arm.
Reflux Column A column which cycles liquids through two or more distillations. used to make NGS.
Spirit Still A still designed to do the final distillation producing finished whiskey.
Spirit Run The final distillation that produces the finished whiskey.
TTB Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau formerly BATF. It licenses and col- lects taxes from u.S.distilleries.
Tails Alcoholic distillate containing a high percentage of fusel oil.
Tote A large stainless steel tank for transporting and storage of spirits.
Wash Fermented barley water.

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