Page 42 - Craft of Whiskey Distilling
P. 42

30 | CrAFt WHIskEy DIstIllInG
 1 mash-lauter tun, 2,000 lbs of barley malt, producing 33 barrels of 9% wash. (Just under 1,000 gallons).
2 Fermentation tank should yield 950 gallons of wash. the F-2 secondary tanks, hold bight beer wash prior to distilling.
3 the 450 gallon wash still now makes two stripping runs. (no plates).
4 Collection tank now holds 290 gallons of 35% low wines or 70 proof spirits.
5 In the 90 gallon (340 liter) pot-column still. (Plates open). make 3 spirit runs doing head and tails cuts. Final yield, 100 gallons of hearts at 60% avb. (120 proof). For barreling.
6 Barrel six months to two years, dilute whiskey to 40% abv. or 80 proof for bottling.

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