Page 76 - Craft of Whiskey Distilling
P. 76
CrAFt oF WHIskEy DIstIllInG | 67
quite costly as a distiller cannot produce that distilled spirits product until ALFD approves the formula.
As with licensing, distillers must do their research before submitting a formula to TTB in order to reduce the risk of costly delays or flat-out rejections. Key research items include the class and type designation standards applicable to the distiller’s product, whether or not the product’s ingredients meet GRAS standards, and if TTB has a policy that addresses any ingredient or process to be used in the product’s manufacture. even if a distiller believes that a formula is a slam-dunk for approval, the distiller should incorporate sufficient time into its production plans to accommodate potential delays in ALFD’s processing of that formula.
Distilled spirits permits
Distilled spirits laws and regulations
the (CFr’s) “styles of whiskey”
ttB statistics on distilling go to then to “spirits” and then the “year”.
state Alcohol Boards