Page 79 - Craft of Whiskey Distilling
P. 79
CrAFt oF WHIskEy DIstIllInG | 71
So You Want to Be a Micro-Distiller?
then let’s start with licensing issues
Robin Bowman
If your version of the American dream is to operate your own distillery, you will need more than just a good distilled spirits recipe to make that dream a reality. The production and sale of distilled spirits is heavily regulated by the federal government and the states, so getting into the distilling business takes thoughtful and thorough planning. This article addresses the first major phase of becoming a distiller, the licensing process.
Before you even start the license application process, you should consider some basic business matters:
What kind of business structure will best suit your needs - a sole proprietorship, a corporation, a limited liability entity?
Where will the distillery be located? Will local zoning, environmental and other ordinances accommodate your distillery?
What state business and tax registration requirements will apply to your business? Don’t forget to apply for your Federal employer Identification Number (FeIN).
What labor, employment, occupational safety or other regulatory standards will apply to your business
What type of distilled spirits do you intend to produce? What equipment, production methods and ingredients will your product(s) require?