Page 20 - SHA AR flipbook demo
P. 20
Reporting and documenting spiritual care in health services and Guidelines
for Quality Spiritual Care in Health
Presentation at Spiritual Care Australia, Adelaide Branch, February, 2019.
SHA launched a new website on 8 October 2019 at our Special General Meeting (see https:// SHA’s website is accessed by all states and territories in Australia, and internationally by countries including the USA, United Kingdom, France, Germany and New Zealand.
1015 subscribers at 30 June 2020
(up from 965 last year)
93% located in Australia
7% located overseas (USA, India, NZ, UK)
63% accessed from computer 37% accessed from mobile
Thank you for the article on spiritual pain in cancer patients ... we have been receiving requests for it from all over the world. Amazing response! Your newsletter has a really widespread readership!
Another great COVID edition! Congrats to you all for the serious aspects, the ongoing learning, the professional development and the encouragement to be a little comical ... You are all working so hard on our behalf.