Page 116 - Paulisms: Gold Nuggets for Small Business
P. 116
4.2.3 Time in Motion for mail
Ensure mail and courier packages that are ready are sent out that same day. It frustrated me no end when I saw Friday mail and courier packages still sitting there on Monday. It may have been bills to send. If you send Friday, it arrives Monday and gets processed. If you send on Monday and it arrives, say, Thursday, that’s three whole days lost in processing and getting things actioned.
When I was in Malta recently, being a bit of a war buff, I went to the local war museum where the defence of Malta in 1940– 42 was planned out. (The air defence was run in the end by a New Zealander, Keith Park, who Winston Churchill quoted as being the most significant person in winning the Battle of Britain.) Anyway, in the war room you cannot help but be amazed at the sophisticated systems of war well before computers. Time in Motion was precise. There were early warning systems estimating when the enemy planes would be dropping bombs over Malta, when to get the defence fighters airborne, with precise accuracy, and when to have the warning sirens activated. It was an amazing example of Time in Motion and precision planning. If they got the Time in Motion wrong, there were huge consequences in lost lives. It was down to minutes. Malta was never defeated and its defence was a significant part of winning the Second World War.