Page 92 - Paulisms: Gold Nuggets for Small Business
P. 92
You are quoting to install ten widgets, installed for $16,000 plus GST, priced off your standard pricelist. It’s going to take so many hours over six weeks.
Below is a typical contracting process showing where hidden costs can creep in:
1.You have to supply the various Health and Safety forms and policy. Your policy or manual is the same each time but the site and contractor have specific requirements.
2. You sign a contract before starting.
3. You have a pre-start meeting.
4. You order materials.
5. The job is not ready when they said it was, so you need
to find some work elsewhere for your team.
6. You make a start and can only do so many, so you again
have to put your team elsewhere.
7. The widgets cannot be installed where the plans said,
so you have a site meeting.
8. There is a variation and it is confirmed in writing.
9. One of your workers is off ill, so you call in a contractor
at a higher cost.
10. There is damage to the site, as one of your workers
apparently dented the roof.
11. Another site meeting now with you and your worker
and the project manager.