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 HYTORC: Powering Renewable Energy With Safer, Faster Bolting Solutions
 For over 50 years, HYTORC has been a trusted leader in industrial bolting, delivering innovative tools that make bolting safer, faster, and more precise. Whether onshore or offshore wind farms, solar installations, or hydroelectric projects, HYTORC tools ensure critical bolted joints are installed and maintained to the highest standards.
leaDing baTTeRy-POweReD SOlUTiOnS
The LITHIUM SERIES II 36v Battery-Powered Torque Gun delivers up to 6,779 Nm of precise, repeatable torque without excessive noise or vibration. Make the most of the Bluetooth® wireless feature to pair the tool to the free to download Connect App bolting software.
hyDRaUliC bOlTing TOOlS FOR maximUm eFFiCienCy
HYTORC also excels in hydraulic torque wrench solutions, such as the MXT+ Hydraulic Torque Wrench. This tool combines advanced material strength, dual reaction arm capability, and a coaxial reaction drive system for maximum durability and performance.
  The FUTURe OF bOlTing: hyTORC COnneCT aPP
The LITHIUM SERIES II 36v Battery-Powered Torque Gun delivers up to 6,779 Nm of precise, repeatable torque without excessive noise or vibration. Make the most of the Bluetooth® wireless feature to pair the tool to the free to download Connect App bolting software.
inDUSTRy-leaDing PUmP TeChnOlOgy
HYTORC’s LIGHTNINGTM PUMP Series is the fastest single-motor battery-powered pump available. With a 7” glove-compatible touchscreen, users can select their tool, enter torque, and press start for automatic operation. It features vibration feedback and data collection, maximising bolting time with the largest battery capacity.
  COmPRehenSive SeRviCe anD SUPPORT
For reliable, innovative bolting solutions, HYTORC is the partner you need to drive success in renewable energy projects. Contact HYTORC today to schedule a free consultation and learn how to optimize your operation

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