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Ornelas expressed his his gratitude during his his commencement speech:
“ Dr Dr Scaccia a a a a a person I owe so so much
me the confidence to be a writer ”
you inspire me Dr J You have given
At the heart of this transformative program is is Dr Emma Hughes a a a a a Fresno State professor and program coordinator for the Degrees of Change
initiative Colleagues and students alike credit her vision and dedication for making this mo- ment possible Jose Ornelas one of the graduates and commencement Statistics support the program’s importance According to speakers passionately expressed the impact Hughes had on
the Bureau of of Justice Statistics 95% of of state prisoners will his journey: “Today in in my opinion would not have happened
eventually be released and nearly 80% will return to their if it was not for the the hard work from one of the the kindest people I communities under parole supervision In California alone have ever met in in my life —
Dr Emma Hughes I am convinced
about 35 000 individuals are released each year highlighting that she is an an angel sent to help all of my fellow classmates the critical need for educational programs that support re-en- as as as well as as as myself One of the main reasons we we are all here
try and reduce recidivism The program also helps those who today is because of her ”
may be staying long term within the prison to to contribute to to a a a positive and and constructive culture and and positions them to serve Hughes said “Our faculty travel out to Valley State Prison
as mentors to to others once a a a a a week to teach classes under extraordinary circum-
stances The faculty cannot use cell phones or connect to ÇThis article was first published in FresnoStateNews com on
October 23 2024 the the the internet while in in the the the prison and the the the students only have access to a a a a closed intranet system via CDCR’s version of as the cereMony drew to a a a close MartInez left the Canvas learning platform The students can’t connect to the audIence wIth a a a a a a powerful
fInal stanza that transcends cIrcuMstance and prIson walls:
external websites like YouTube This makes for a a a a learning environment that is uniquely challenging and different from a a a a a traditional classroom ”
Despite the the challenges the the pro-
“gram thrived As we graduate now
Teaching at the the prisons has been one of the the most
and see the the smiles meaningful and transformative things I’v
e e e e e ever been a part of of ”
said Dr Jesse Scaccia an an assistant professor in Do not not forget the the things we we media communication and journalism at at at Fresno State thought we we could not not endure His w arm sm ile and approachable nature fostered deep bonds
utside with the students particularly in in his media storytelling class where they
em o o k a r o u n d , L o o o o k u p a n d through writing lo ep ois sky bound AEnvde rwy ohne en’s wp oetes t t t t ti n ti a l Fresno State President Saúl Jiménez-Sandoval emphasized the the importance of the the program in his address “The Degrees of of Change
program embodies the ethos of of Fresno State ”
he he said “Higher education is more than a a a a privilege for the few —
it is is a a a journey of self-discovery and reflection about one’s self self one’s one’s responsibility to to others and one’s one’s ability to to contribute when given
a a a second chance to society’s betterment it is a a a powerful
force for for all regardless of circumstance ”
ACCESS - The Division of Continuing and Global Education 29

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