Page 1 - Area-1-Compliance-BSIT-PSV
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Republic of the Philippines                                                     CvSU Mission

                                        CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY
                                    Tanza ǀ Trece Martires City ǀ Gen. Trias City Campus                                Cavite State University shall provide
                                                                                                                        excellent, equitable and relevant
                                          235-7997 ǀ  410-5247 ǀ  437-0693                                         educational opportunities in the arts,
                                                                                           sciences and technology through quality
                                             TRECE MARTIRES CITY CAMPUS                                             instruction and responsive research and
                                             COMPLIANCE REPORT 2019                                                        developmental activities.
                                                                                                                    It shall produce professional, skilled and
                                                                                                                      morally upright individuals for global
    Area: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives                                                                               competitiveness.
    Program: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
    Level: Preliminary Survey Visit
    Date of Visit: November 27-29, 2019

      RECOMMENDATIONS  ACTION TAKEN                                                  EVIDENCES
                                                     OF COMPLIANCE
      Provide additional and     Enhance the                 100%           A.6. Excerpt from the Minutes of
      relevant documents of      presented                                     the meeting with the
      the items rated 3.0 and  documents                                       signature of Board Secretary
                                                                           A.7. Memorandum issued from
                                                                               the University President Re:
                                                                               Attendance to the Planning-
                                                                               Workshop was presented.
                                                                            A.7. List of attendees was

                                                                           A.8. Attendance of stakeholders
                                                                               was presented.
                                                                           A.8 Pictures of the stakeholders
                                                                               attended the planning-
                                                                               workshop was presented

                                                                           A.9. Copy of CHED CMO Series
                                                                               of 2015 was presented at

                                                                           C.2.  Pictures of students of
                                                                               BSIT competing and winning
                                                                               competitions were

    Prepared by:

    Area Coordinator