Page 19 - Peerless Performance Travelers Proposal
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Everything starts by understanding the emotional connections the achieve sustainable success.
Strong ROI has long been the promise of incentive, recognition and reward platforms. Peerless Performance helps Travelers realize ROI by tracking and measuring the path to stronger results and emotional connection while realizing improved performance.
For Travelers, the opportunity stands at creating better relationships with agencies as a way
to convert 30% turnover into loyal customers.
This happens during the beginning of the due diligence phase – through phase 4 – post analysis.
Top 3 Reasons ROI Modeling and Program Design are Important.
1. Programs designed properly can measure and improve ROI 2. Helps to uncover key measures that enhance performance in
real time
3. Ensures your program is meeting objectives and self funding
“Top performing companies spend much more for design services than average companies.” - The Incentive Research Foundation
Phase 1
Due Diligence
Use Audit
Impact Analysis
Data Type(s) and Source(s) ROI Objectives
Design ROI Model • Quantitative • Quallitative
Audience Demographic Audience Relations
Phase 2
Program Design
Rules Structure
Rewards Selection Communications Strategy Develop Measure of Value Implementation
Phase 3
Program Lifestyle
Tracking and Reporting Measurement
Lead Measures Assessment Program Adjustments - Real Time Performance Review
• Strategy
• Audience • Systems
• Data
• Objectives
Phase 4
Post Analysis
Delivered Value vs Anticipated Lead Measures Assessment Performance Review
• Audit
• Change
• Continue
• Discontinue