Page 37 - Peerless Performance Travelers Proposal
P. 37
Market like a global
Leaders in Tier 3 have ideas for the future of Travelers and look for advanced ways to extend their marketing. These business tools help achieve those ambitions.
Overview – Maintaining leadership.
Those who achieve at this level can gain access to social media tools such as “How to...” articles and listicles of best practices. This includes a simple tool to diagram out a social media strategy.
Elements in Detail – Contribute and climb.
Live focus groups – Create the future.
Take part in physical and virtual focus groups that discuss the future of the organization – and connect Tier 3 participants with the best practices of other Tier 3 participants. These focus groups become a badge of honor, and also a sought after, exclusive group.
Marketing investment for Principals and Agencies –
Increase impressions to increase results.
Travelers provide Tier 3 recipients with additional Advertising and Marketing dollars This serves as further recognition for Principals and Agencies as Travelers Elite Partners, and drives additional business to the agency.