Page 34 - Travelers Proposal - Peerless Performance
P. 34

Driving the performer.
 Online training from the likes of and Khan Academy have become a popular way to elevate and round out skills. This type of micro training becomes available to successful participants in Travelers Rewards Value®.
Overview – Learn marketing, learn the guitar.
Choose your personal and professional paths to learning. This type of reward demonstrates the flexibility of the enterprise solution and serves as a powerful driver of success.
Elements in Detail – More than 80,000 courses from Udemy. Boasting the largest library of online courses in the world, Peerless prefers as a learning partner. Achievers at this tier can choose to learn everything from photography through digital marketing. Ultimately, it leads to better skills, relationships, and serves as another point of aspiration.
As an added benefit, training and enrichment is rewarded once another Tier has been reached. This is a “thank you” from Travelers and does not come out of the point balance in the participant’s point account.

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