Page 20 - Hawkins Haile Brochure 2019
P. 20
Day One
Priorities & Professional Dynamics
Day Two
Optimum Leadership Positioning
1. Introduction, Objectives & Programme
2. Gravitas Professional Equity,
My Leadership Leverage and Charter
3. Critical Mission & Briefing – Professional Life in Context
4. Debrief and Individual Feedback
5. The Eyes Say It All
6. Leadership Causality –
Visions, Vectors, Values & Voice
7. Risk Management Simulation – Round 1 Destinator
8. Preparation for Day 2 – Contribution and Career
9. Gravitas Leadership Psychology – Insights & Outsights
10. My Optimum Leadership Style – Refining My Charter
11. Stakeholder Influence – Creating Followship
12. Defining Our Vision and Futures – The Gravitas Destinator
13. My Leadership Challenge
14. My Leadership Solution
15. My Leadership Positioning Strategy Delivery and Feedback
16. Implementing My Gravitas Leadership Positioning – Career Plan
My Gravitas Leadership Positioning -
Senior Executives who have attended the Masterclass say that the success stems from the depth of individual attention and supportive coaching they achieve, based on a high level of commercial insight and knowledge of risk management as a profession, combined with clarity on how to develop their professional equity for each person attending.