Page 2 - Cybersecurity Career Guide for North Dakota
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 Dear Fellow Learners,
Computer science and cybersecurity are foundational knowledge
in education today. Every occupation depends on cybersecurity professionals to protect the network of connected devices that we rely on every day — from farmers who feed us, technicians who keep our electricity on, and doctors who improve our health. This guide focuses on students who are interested in cyber careers, but this knowledge is also essential to everyone. All students need a basic understanding of how the internet works and how algorithms function. This information will help you develop computational thinking skills that you can apply to any situation. It will help you protect your identity and avoid potential cyber-threats. Good luck as you develop your talents in this vitally important field!
Kirsten Baesler
North Dakota Superintendent of Public Instruction
Students, become a Cyber Warrior and change the world!
Technology is transforming every job and every industry. As
this transformation drives demand for a highly skilled workforce, North Dakota’s goal is to grow the next generation of computer science and cybersecurity professionals. Our state leads the nation in broadband access, and our military footprint and national leadership in energy, precision agriculture and the unmanned aerial industry are also key economic drivers. The future promises to be
a highly connected world with smart infrastructure and unlimited possibility. Whether your future lies in medicine, agriculture, entertainment, artificial intelligence, space engineering or jobs we haven’t even dreamed of yet — all this technology and connectivity needs to be defended. Computer science and cybersecurity will equip you with the 21st century skills necessary to protect, defend and succeed in the digital world and global economy.
North Dakota’s bold vision: Every Student, Every School, Cyber Educated! The valuable information contained in this Cybersecurity Career Guide will help you chart an exciting future, regardless of your career path. Good luck in your journey, and help us change the world!
Shawn Riley
Chief Information Officer State of North Dakota

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