Page 34 - Outsmart Cyberthreats
P. 34

 Is a spot in cyber right for you?
Learning about real-world examples of data breaches and cyber attacks can help you understand what “keeping our data safe” actually means. News stories about data security failures appear almost every week. You can find them on TV, in the newspaper, online—any- where you go to find out what is hap- pening in the world. And you can ask your parents or teachers to help you dig more deeply into these stories. Look for documentaries, magazine articles and books, and even people at
your own school who work with the com- puters and networks used by students, teachers, and staff.
More and more clubs and after-school programs focus on cybersecurity and online safety topics. GenCyber, for ex- ample, is a summer camp program running on college campuses across the country. Sponsored by the federal government, it’s free to attend! Check out www.gen-cyber. com. And you can learn lots more about the field at the website of the National

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