Page 38 - Francis Hamel | Painting the Yellow Mountain | 2020 | E catalogue
P. 38
The neighbouring park park was was full of of couples dancing A wide thoroughfare down the the centre of of the the park park framed with with pollarded Plane trees trees was was paved shinily and home to three small sound systems playing exotic music as as as couples danced in in in in in in in the the open air Between the the trees trees were benches filled with with admiring friends or people who had just come to to watch It was a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a touching sight What a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a lovely way of exercising communing and and not spending any money I I spent some time drawing the dancers and and thinking about how this this might translate into a a a a a a a a a a a a bigger painting Seurat would have loved this this scene too Everyone seemed very very content dancing in in in in the the warm October evening just as as I was drawing the the scene Shanghai 27th October 2019
17 17 The Jamia Mosque Hong Kong
oil on on on on linen laid on on on on panel 17 17 x x 13 ins 43 x x 33 cms