Page 16 - MML - Journal - Centenary Edition - Vol. 01 / 2023
P. 16
In the year 1963 the ritual for all the three
degrees was issued by the GLI and the lodge started following these rituals. On 11-10-1963 at a meeting of the lodge held at Freemasons Hall, Bangalore both the Grand Master M.W Bro. Bhogilal C. Shah and the Regional Grand Master R W Bro. Srinivasa Gopalachari participated and witnessed a demonstration of the working of the second and third degrees by a team of brethren from Bangalore occupying all the offices. During the meeting on 25-09-1964, R W Bro. T. Ramaprasada Rao joined the lodge. He was appointed as the Regional Grand Master later.
In the meeting held on 31-07-1966, a demonstration of the ceremony of initiation was conducted on behalf of Madras Masters Lodge of Instructions by officers drawn from various lodges in the Madras city. The Grand Master M. W Bro. Bhogilal. C.Shah accompanied by a large contingent of Grand Officers attended and during his speech the Grand Master appreciated the demonstration and the wonderful work of the lodge of instructions. On 28-10-1966, a record of 24 brethren, including R W Bro. Lt. Col. G.S. Gill, who later became the District Grand Master, joined the lodge. On the next day a meeting of the Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India was held under the banner of the Madras Masters Lodge for the first time. The practice of rendering the National Anthem was started from 28-10-1966. In the year 1967, our member R W Bro. C.A. Ramakrishnan was appointed as the Regional Grand Master. The publication of Madras Masonic Journal was resumed from 1966.
From the beginning of the lodge till the year 1968 the minutes of the previous meeting was printed and circulated along with the summons for the succeeding meeting.
Because it involved a considerable amount of money, this practice was discontinued as per a proposal made in the lodge on 16-08-1968 and carried on 29-08-1969. The
Grand Master and the Regional Grand Master attended three consecutive meetings of the lodge from 09-01-1969 to 24-04-1970. On 09-01-1969, the Grand Master of California attended the lodge, and he accompanied the Grand Master of India.
In the year 1971 our member Hon’ble Justice K. Veeraswami became the Regional Grand Master and as such he attended the lodge on 11-02-1971. In this meeting it was again proposed in the open lodge that the Regional Grand Lodge should take over the publication of Madras Masonic Journal as it involves a great financial burden on the lodge. No decision was taken on the issue and the Madras Masonic Journal is being published by the lodge till today. This year witnessed the demonstration of the first degree working by Lodge Sarvothama at Cochin. The demonstration received great accolades from a large number of brethren.
In the year 1972 R W Bro. C.A. Ramakrishnan was elected as the Master. On 18-02-1972 the lodge took 22 joining members. As found in the bye laws a correspondence circle attached to the lodge was already in existence. The membership to the correspondence circle was open to all Installed Masters and Master Masons in good standing, individual lodges, Chapters, and other masonic bodies. Members of the correspondence circle were entitled to attend all the meetings of the lodge, take part in discussion of masonic subjects, read papers, and receive a free copy of the Madras Masonic Journal. They could not vote in the lodge, propose or second candidates or ballot for them. They could not also be appointed as officers of the lodge. It was proposed to start a new section in the Madras Masonic
A Publication of Madras Masters Lodge No. 103, GLI
Madras Masonic Journal Vol. 01 / 2023 - Centenary Year Edition