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own way. God has blessed you with so many talents that they should be channelised for the welfare of not only yourself but also to your neighbour and to the whole community
 legal terminology , but the ability to be fair in your dealings, both in personal and professional spheres. It is a term used to make you analyze in your own mind whether what you are about to do will justify your conscience or that will meet the approval of The One to whom you will have to give an account of our conduct through
 our lives and actions.
 at large.
 Coming to one’s duty as a Citizen a Freemason is expected to be Loyal to his country, its Constitution, , its Flag and those at the helm of affairs, keeping aside his political affiliations . It shall never be his aim to subvert the peace and good order of the society but to be a law-abiding and a peaceable subject. Such patriotic fervour should be ingrained in him, and he is expected to cultivate it further. We have the National Flag kept unfurled in our Lodge rooms and we sing the National Anthem at the end of the proceedings of the Lodge. Remember, that our first toast is to the
 President of the Republic!
 Coming to one’s Masonic duties, there are three basic qualities although the list is
 The foremost is Secrecy Our Fraternity has long been considered to be a Secret Society, largely due the exclusiveness of its membership and due to the fact that we meet behind barred doors due to the very nature of our ceremonies and rituals. We are not a Secret Society but a Society with some secrets , which are not like some defence secrets but mere passwords and signs of recognition between ourselves and between the various gradation of members that exists among us. In fact, our whole ceremonies are now available on the Internet, for anyone- even non- masons to see! I have exploded this myth to a famous journalist in an interview when I was installed as the Grand Master! However, since each one of us is bound by a solemn obligation taken on a Sacred Volume of our Faith , we are morally obliged to abide by it. That is the secrecy that we are expected
 to keep.
 The third aspect is that of an Individual. All of us are possessed of so many attributes that each one of us is highly unique. No two of us are alike in our basic talents, our accomplishments, our energy levels or in our performance and success in our endeavours. But as Freemasons we are alike in some common traits. There are four basic traits. Prudence is a quality which makes you be discerning, cautious, discreet, sagacious, and wise as to decide when not to do something or when and how to do something without harming others. Temperance is a quality that chastens you teaches you restraint and controls your impulsiveness and excessiveness in your habits and behaviour bringing moderation in your actions. Fortitude is a quality which makes you strong and brave-hearted to face any adversity and sustain you through calamities and tragedies , both personal and otherwise. It is not only the strength of mind but the resoluteness and grit to overcome any situation of grief and distress or desolation
 and despair.
 Fidelity is a quality exemplified by a strict adherence to our Constitution, Bylaws and what we refer to as our Ancient Landmarks which by tradition, have come down to us from ages and we are bound to pursue and maintain. This is the allegiance one owes to his Fraternity, as much as one owes to the
 ethics in one’s own profession or trade.
 Justice is a quality , not necessarily in the
Obedience is a trait that is developed by a strong sense of discipline, either innate by good upbringing or cultivated by habit, being a part of a system that demands it. It is
  Madras Masonic Journal Vol. 01 / 2023 - Centenary Year Edition
A Publication of Madras Masters Lodge No. 103, GLI 28

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