Page 45 - MML - Journal - Centenary Edition - Vol. 01 / 2023
P. 45

order the good and true citizens of every land. Learn to handle well the tools of freemasonry, especially the trowel, and with it spread well the cement of brotherly love and affection. And when the dim lamp of life is expiring, when we close our labours in the lodge below to join the celestial lodge above, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe resides, we shall feel conscious of having
well performed our work, of having done good and square work, and we shall
feel happy knowing that we are in possession of the passwords which will gain
us admission into that lodge of the just, the true and the good, to become associated
Madras Masonic Journal Vol. 01 / 2023 - Centenary Year Edition
A Publication of Madras Masters Lodge No. 103, GLI
with those before us.
true craftsmen who have gone

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