Page 49 - MML - Journal - Centenary Edition - Vol. 01 / 2023
P. 49

The Deacon should only remove the former badge and leave the rest to the SW. The D of C should see that the Deacon conducts the Candidate after the ceremony of initiation to a seat in the NE to the right of the S.D. The ancient custom followed in many Lodges under the UGLE is to seat the candidate on the immediate right of the WM inside the temple and at the banquet table. Some Lodges follow the custom of seating EAs’ and FCs’ between senior brethren so that they get the necessary guidance whenever needed. The D of C must ensure that the apron for the Candidates in all the degrees and of the Master Elect is ceremoniously handed over to the Officer investing.
The D of C does not salute the WM while going about his duties in and around the Lodge and while crossing over. (Craft Ritual- Special Notes). He should be particularly careful to see that he has his wand with him all the time.
There is nothing that can replace good rehearsals. Effective communication is very essential for the WM, D of C and Secretary. The D of C might cooperate with the Lodge Secretary in drafting an order of procedure for the Lodge meeting and for the Festive Board which would assist not only the WM, but all other members of the Lodge who might be participating on any particular occasion. Careful planning beforehand by the D of C will ensure the smooth functioning of the Lodge and Festive Board proceedings, ensuring happiness and enjoyment for the Brethren, and a well- deserved rest for the D of C at the end of the evening.No detail is too small to engage the attention of the D of C for it is carefulness in small details that makes for the smooth working and absence of worry.
Many and various duties fall to the D of C., and only his intelligence can steer a clear way
for their accomplishment. He should be a good friend, a guide and counselor, the encouraging hand to the brethren lacking in confidence, and above all always easy of approach, steady and calm and in the process become loved, admired, and looked upon for his contribution for the peace, love and harmony of the Lodge and the happiness of the brethren.
Brethren I have a few annexures to this paper giving checklist for each ceremony, the role of D of C on the nights of installations, the procedure followed in receiving the RGM/GM and his role during the festive board. We must acknowledge the fact that, the D of C is no Super Man, but just an ordinary brother. All the duties mentioned above cannot be accomplished by the D of C alone, but only by teamwork, done jointly by all the officers and ably assisted by all the brethren.
Few years back the Director of a Travel company was initiated in Lodge Trivandrum No. 168. A very active gentleman, holding various high offices in the social circles of Trivandrum, At the conclusion of the meeting sitting to the right of the WM at the banquet table he softly enquired with the WM, how long will it take for him to reach the office of the Brother who wields the Wand, Brethren, THE DIRECTOR OF CEREMONIES
Brethren, I conclude with this ancient investiture.
Brother, I have the pleasure of investing you as the Director of Ceremonies. Your jewel the cross staves is an emblem of authority. It will be your duty to see that everything be done decently and in order and there be no confusion or mismanagement in the ceremonies, or other business of the Lodge. You will be expected to see that the Lodge-room is properly prepared for all
 Madras Masonic Journal Vol. 01 / 2023 - Centenary Year Edition
A Publication of Madras Masters Lodge No. 103, GLI

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