Page 60 - MML - Journal - Centenary Edition - Vol. 01 / 2023
P. 60
A Publication of Madras Masters Lodge No. 103, GLI
Apathetic Mason and How to Enthuse Him
By W Bro. C. V. Krishnamoorthy, P.A.G.D.C., P.J.R.G.W.
Apathy is indifference or lack of interest. The reasons for this may be analysed as follows :
1. An initial misconception about the order leading to a disappointment subsequently.
2. Unimpressiveness of ceremonies and rendering of the rituals.
3. A lack of opportunities for active participation and advancement.
4. A feeling of neglect and unwantedness.
5. Disillusionment about precept and
Let us deal with these causes at length.
1. Many of the applications for admission are based on an erroneous impression that the Lodge is an organisation of the higher social strata, membership of which will lead to openings for closer contacts for social or material advantage in one’s own profession or calling. When the candidate finds that the activities inside the Lodge are focused on moral and spiritual elevation only, disappointment may set in according to the individual’s personal earlier notions and calculations.
To avoid this, it is necessary, even at the time of consideration of the proposal, to make it clear to the candidate in no uncertain terms what exactly Masonry stands for and what his duties and obligations will be as against the rights and privileges which will ensue. Regularity and punctuality of attendance emergencies excepted, must be stressed. He must understand that progress in Masonry must be from within and that while the ceremonies are symbolic, it will be for the individual to speculate and contemplate on their significance and elevate himself to higher levels. That no material personal advantage is to be expected must be
impressed on him unequivocally.
These aspects will have to be borne in mind by any Freemason who wishes to propose a candidate for admission into his Lodge. Only the material which is basically good and receptive will then volunteer to join the order.
2. The ceremonies of the degrees are full of symbolism and inner meaning. The passages in the rituals like the Prayers, the Charges, the Presentation of the Working Tools and the explanations of the Tracing Boards are replete with wisdom and enlightenment. The ceremonies must be so conducted that the Candidate gets the impression that they are specially arranged for his benefit-an impression which any good working is bound to create. The delivery of the Prayers, Charges, the presentation of the W.Ts. and the explanation of the T.Bs should be so thorough, well-modulated and sincere that their purpose is not lost on the Candidate. All these require a thorough preparation and understanding on the part of the Brother entrusted with this task. A mechanical recitation of the passages cap carry no weight.
I have come across many candidates who after an impressive ceremony have expressed themselves so glowingly about the first impressions they had gained and looked forward to further progress.
3. The interest of the Candidate so kindled, must be utilised to advantage. He must be encouraged to take up responsibilities in the working of the Lodge in whatever capacity he can. To begin with, he can be asked to deliver small pieces to the juniors, He can be trained to act as a substitute for the I.G. or Deacons. Once he has discharged such duties
Madras Masonic Journal Vol. 01 / 2023 - Centenary Year Edition