P. 57

Taino’s Gallery & Gift Shop - T. 268 773 3544. Located in Jolly Harbour, is owned by painter Luis Jarvis and represents artists from all over the island as well as Haiti and Santo Domingo.
Admiral’s Inn Art Gallery
T. 268 460-1027 - Renowned Caribbean artist, Kate Spencer, maintains a changing exhibition of her stunning, original oil paintings in the lobby of The Admiral’s Inn, an 18th century building with brick walls and hand-hewn beams. Kate paints colourful views of Caribbean life including landscapes, people and historic  gures such as Admiral Nelson. Top-notch drinks and food are available on the waterfront terrace at adjacent Pillars Restaurant.
The Gunpowder House at Admiral’s Inn
T. 268 460-1027 - Arts Exhibits are housed inside the beautifully restored 18th century Gunpowder House, part of Admiral’s Inn in Nelson’s Dockyard. Special shows feature local Antiguan artists and more. Enjoy lunch at the adjacent Boom poolside restaurant with spectacular views of Nelson’s Dockyard or check into one of the unique Gunpowder Suites adjoining the Gunpowder House.
Elvie’s Pottery - T. 463-1888
Hiacint Hillhouse at Seaview Farm uses local clay to create, in the tradition of her mother and grandmother, coal pots for cooking, candle- holders and planters. The clay is  red in open pits and each piece is one-of-a-kind from a design dating back to the early 18th century.
T 460 1234 -
Une visite à ne pas rater!
Au cœur de la forêt pluviale et dans le magni que jardin tropical de Sallie Harker, artiste et propriétaire, on trouve une galerie d’art fascinante où on respire une véritable atmosphère tropicale. Dans le délicieux cottage situé à l’ombre d’arbres majestueux (Silk Cotton Tree) et des palmiers royaux il est possible d’acquérir des œuvres originales directement chez l’artiste. La galerie propose aussi une sélection de peintures à l’huile et aquarelles d’artistes des caraïbes connus, ainsi que des impressions, des cartes postales et de magni ques créations artisanales comme des bijoux en corail noir, des paniers provenant de Bequia en corde recyclée portée par la mer, des tableaux peints sur des feuilles de bananier provenant de St Vincent, calabash marquetés de la république Dominicaine, des statuettes d’Antigua et beaucoup d’autres objets sympathiques.
Fig Tree Studio Art Gallery is situated in the heart of the rainforest in the tropical gardens of the artist Sallie Harker. Shaded by giant silk cotton and royal palm trees this gallery provides a fabulous opportunity to buy original artwork directly from the artist.
The gallery features a selection of original oil and watercolour paintings by Sallie Harker and other well-known Caribbean artists; there is also a selection of affordable prints and cards. The craft section features the work of leading contemporary Caribbean craftsmen: you will  nd innovative black coral jewellery and recycled rope baskets from Bequia, banana leaf pictures from St Vincent, carved calabash from Dominica, traditional ceramic  gures from Antigua, and many other good quality, hand made crafts. Come and enjoy fabulous Caribbean artwork in a unique setting.

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