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YOUR HOME ..AWAY FROM HOME With working infrastructure, friendly locals, perfect weather and easy transport links, Antigua may well be the right place for investing in a second home. The twin island nation of Antigua and Barbuda is a desirable destination for investors or retirees looking for second or retirement homes. Antigua has a stable government, friendly people, tropical weather and 365 beaches, as well as amenities, services, banking, shopping and accommodation consistent with the requirements of our demanding residents and visitors. The government is committed to improving roads, utilities, internet broadband and other services. The country is transitioning to more sustainable energy consistent with concerns over climate change. Our international airport has a solar farm which attests to this progress. When driving around the island one can observe the gradual, planned development of property within existing areas as well as new hotel and residential tourism development which provides attractive choices for investment in villas, apartments and serviced building plots.. RENTING VILLAS There are many rental properties in Antigua. These may be viewed online through rental service agencies or directly on owner’s websites. Studios and 1-bedroom condos start under US$100 per night for two persons. Larger units provide even better economies of scale. There is an excellent selection of villas with private pools and other amenities with rentals ranging from US $ 4,000 to US $10,000 per week. PROPERTY SALES The wide choice of property ranges from completed homes and smaller condos starting from under US$200,000 to larger villas with extensive gardens from US$500,000 to over US$50 million. Residential tourism began in the eastern parts of Antigua shortly after Word War ll. The Mill Reef Club was established by a group of wealthy American families on the Atlantic side to take advantage of the ever- present, cooling trade winds. Other high-end east coast residential tourism developments include NonSuch Bay Resort and Jumby Bay. The western Caribbean side is Antigua’s hot spot for residential tourism. In 1993 the Jolly Harbour Marina, Golf and Residential Resort opened to complement the Jolly Beach Resort, thus providing a comprehensive package of shopping, banking and services in the area. Sugar Ridge has a boutique hotel, spa, restaurant and shops and offers residential building plots for the development of upmarket homes. These properties enjoy views of the crystal-clear Caribbean Sea, magni cent sunsets and, on clear days, the neighbouring islands of Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis. Tamarind Hills straddles Darkwood and Ffryes beaches and offers residential properties for sale and rent. In the north, the residential areas of Hodges Bay, Crosbies, Paradise View, Cedar Valley and Friar’s Hill are close to the capital, the airport, Cedar Valley Golf Course, Woods Centre and other amenities. The north is especially popular with permanent residents and 86 

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