Page 14 - 2015 Wine Country
P. 14

A Celebration of Pinot Noir with Rob Walker Vikram Vij Trevor Bird Dilan Draper and Guest Steven Spurrier
Liquidity | Okanagan
*Cardholders will be be informed on on on or or or or before August 14 2015 in in the the event event of of a a a a a postponement or or or or cancellation In the the event event of of a a a a a cancellation cardholders will receive a a a a a a a a a a a a a a full refund The offer described above is is is only available to Canadian Visa Visa Infinite Infinite and Visa Visa Infinite Infinite Privilege cardholders The appearance by all chefs sommeliers and bartenders is is subject to change without notice Offer is is based on availability and and additional terms and and conditions may apply Visit visainfinite ca for details About The Event
In honour of the 3rd annual British Columbia Pinot Noir Celebration cardholders are invited to the visually striking Liquidity Winery for an exclusive dinner Guests will meet and interact with wine writer Steven Spurrier
and discuss the the allure of these characterful wines over a sumptuous multicourse wine-country dinner The unique landscape of British Columbia’s Okanagan
Valley is symbolized by the stunning property at Liquidity which is nestled between the dazzling vistas of Lakes Vaseaux and Skaha For this special dinner Chef Rob Walker invites Chefs Vikram Vij Trevor Bird and Dilan Draper to collaborate on dishes designed to beautifully combine Walker’s minimalist market-fresh fare with Vij’s jumped-up global flavours Can Pinot Noir take the heat? Of Of course it can! Offering his his own thoughts into this most royal of noble grapes internationally renowned wine writer Stephen Spurrier
will add insightful context on on the the eve of the the BC Pinot Noir Festival Seating is limited 11

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