Page 56 - LCW LIFE | SAYI 21 | KASIM-ARALIK 2018
P. 56
evcil hayvan - pet
Çocuklarınız ve Tarçın’ın iletişimi nasıl?
✔ Tarçın evde bir çocukla büyüdüğü için onlara nasıl dav- ranacağını çok iyi biliyor. Onlara zarar verecek en ufak bir hareketi yok; çocuklar da tarçını çok seviyor. Misafirliğe gittiğimizde ya da tatile bir yere gideceğimiz zaman Tar- çın’ı çok özlüyorlar. Çocuklarım da sadece Tarçın değil, sokaktaki diğer kedi ve köpeklerle de çok iyi anlaşıyor. Bence kedi, köpek, kuş, hamster, mutlaka evde bir hayvan olmalı. Çocukların gelişimine katkıda bulunduğunu dü- şünüyorum. Her şeyden önce sorumluluk sahibi olmayı öğretiyor.
How can you describe the communication between your children and Tarçın?
✔Since Tarçın and children grew up together, it com- pletely knows how to treat the children. Tarçın would never harm the children and the children love Tarçın very much. When we are going away from the house or we go on a vacation, they terribly miss Tarçın. My children are getting along with Tarçın and they also love the cats and dogs outside as well. I think there should be a pet in the house, whether this is a cat, dog, bird or hamster. I think this is very beneficial for the development of children. First of all, it teaches the children to be responsible.
What does it mean for you to have a pet in the house? Why we are lucky to have them?
✔ I took care of Tarçın as my second child, since, first I had my son and then Tarçın joined our family. Then, my daughter was born. For me, Tarçın is one of my family members. But we surely feel lonely if Tarçın is very ill. I feel really sorry for Tarçın like I feel sorry for my children. According to me, having a pet at home means adopting a child. The pet completely reflects the love, jealousy, sor- row, and wishes. In this way, as an individual, we start to accept it and we understand how to treat.
Would you like to say something about abandoning the pets?
✔ This is a total irresponsibility. There is a pet wh,o trusts you with unrequited trust and one day you leave it at streets for no reason. How would you feel? Or do you think a parent can leave the child at streets? I think we need to consider this way. When we adopt them and take them to our homes, they share with us their unrequited love. I think no creature deserves to be abandoned.
Ohh! Miss gibi çay valla...