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With raw milk
It is in the heart of the Swiss Alps that the jewels of the ‘’Compagnie des Fromages Suisse LTD’’ are born. Combining centuries-old tradition and Swiss quality, our products are certi ed "Halal".
Our Simmental and Montbéliard cattle grazes pastures of herbs and  owers, supplemented with the pure mountain air, produce a healthy and perfu- med milk of irreproachable quality giving their unique taste to all our cheeses renown all around the world.
The ‘’Compagnie des Fromages Suisses LTD’’ makes a point of honour to federate more than a hundred farmers. These are the requirements that makes it possible to provide our exceptional cheese.
The authenticity of our products goes hand in hand with a ‘’Sharia’’ compliant '' Halal '' certi cation to produce a one of a kind Swiss quality cheese.
Responding to the requirements of a high-end market, our cheese is made from vegetable ferments, validated by a "Halal" certi cation body recognized worldwide.
From the milking of cows to the sale, our cheese is followed by experts that have one focus, provide cheese lovers with VIP products respectful of the ‘’Sharia’’ law.

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