Page 15 - TORCH #18 - May 2021
P. 15

 at the medical centre was Mayor Jin Sato, who was one of the people coordinating the evacuation in the building where Miki Endo issued the warnings.
by a local female nurse. This level of dedication and their willingness to extend a helping hand to the community was really touching for me,” Nishizawa said with admiration.
Sato describes the moment the building was overwhelmed, saying, “it just went over our heads and ravaged the place; I was swept to a staircase and broke two ribs.” Mayor Sato was able to survive
The small community of Minamisanriku is deeply appreciative of Israel’s help. There is a monument in the town honouring Israel’s medical team and both Mayor Sato and Nishizawa speak of the bond between the two countries.
after he climbed those stairs to the roof where he clung to the steel broadcasting antennae on top of the building until he was rescued.
“I think that for many Japanese, Israel is considered to be some far-flung country; but for us, Israel—despite its being so
far away and so different—will always be remembered as the first country that came to our rescue and gave us the feeling
Not only was he in need of medical treatment for his injuries, but his act of being treated by the Israelis served an important purpose. Seeing the mayor get treatment at the field hospital helped to dispel any fears and it was after his visit that the residents increasingly came to the centre for assistance.
that we are connected to the rest of the world. Japan is an island nation, and our first inclination when disaster strikes is to handle things on our own; but Israel, rather than focus on its own problems, extended its outstretched hand, and we are tremendously thankful for its assistance,” said Nishizawa.
The Israelis also won over the locals with various gestures that underscored just how dedicated they were to help them. “Pregnant women faced particular duress because they lacked proper equipment. They had to travel long distances just to get checkups or to give birth,” Nishizawa explained. “But the Israeli delegation had
a doctor trained in delivering babies, and after he had learned of the situation, he began making house calls, accompanied
“Israel helped us so much after the disaster struck, and we are greatly indebted to it,” the mayor said. “Last year [2020],
we wrote a letter of thanks to all Israelis and had it sent to the Israeli embassy. Our people are very grateful for this; we will never forget Israel’s help.”

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