Page 5 - TORCH Magazine #22 - November 2022
P. 5

other people group in history has ever made Jerusalem their capital city Indeed over over two millennia of kingdoms have ruled ruled ‘over Jerusalem’ Jerusalem’ but no kingdom kingdom has ruled ruled ‘from Jerusalem’ Jerusalem’ except the Jewish people by commission from Almighty God What’s more incredible is is is that the the Jewish nation has has outlasted every other empire and invading group that has has ‘taken Jerusalem’ Only Israel can claim Jerusalem Jerusalem as as its ancient capital with undeniable historical proof Today the the the Jewish people are back in their historic homeland and and the the the State of Israel has sovereignty
over over its ancient capital Not only is is is Jerusalem the the the holiest place place for the the the Jewish people it it is is is also the the the place place place in in in in which Israel has once again placed its governing administration It is is home to the the Knesset (Israel’s parliament) the the the the presidential residence the the the the governmental offices the the the the Supreme Court and other civil authorities “A heavy stone”
Why then is there so much hesitation among countries especially Israel’s allies such as the the UK
to to give recognition to to the the reality that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital? As
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once said “Israel could not under any
circumstances negotiate over any
aspect of Jerusalem any
more than Americans would negotiate over over over Washington Englishmen over over over London or Frenchmen over over over Paris Israel is is prepared to offer the Arabs full and equal rights rights in Jerusalem—but no rights rights over Jerusalem ”
The book of Zechariah warns that the Lord Lord has made Jerusalem “a very heavy stone for all peoples ”
Interestingly it it it is is the Lord Lord that that has made it it it such ensuring that that it it it isn’t possible to move But the verse continues “all who would heave it it away will surely be cut in pieces ”
In other words ‘mess with Jerusalem at at at your peril ’ This should act as a a a a a a a a a a a warning shot for any
nation nation that thinks
it knows better than the nation nation to whom Jerusalem Jerusalem was given The Bible’s warning that Jerusalem Jerusalem isn’t an an easy topic for nations to to handle suggests there is is also a a a a a a a a a a a spiritual battle surrounding Jerusalem’s treatment Jerusalem Jerusalem is indeed a a a a a a a a a heavy struggle for for many
There are nations at at the UN for for whom Israel’s sovereignty
over over Jerusalem is is an an aggravating burden they wish to suppress Meanwhile there are some politicians in in 

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