Page 23 - TORCH Magazine #12 - January 2019
P. 23

Instead of being cowed into
silence. Rachel spoke out more often, to the point where almost every day she is highlighting anti- Semitic incidents on her social media feeds and challenging those who spout their hatred. She explains it is becoming “all consuming” at points.
Rachel has also had the opportunity to share her story on a variety of TV interviews, such as on Lorraine and Channel 4 News. Rachel even skipped a TV awards ceremony in order to attend an event on anti-Semitism.
Most of the abuse that Rachel receives is from far-left activists
and Corbyn supporters. Asked why Jeremy Corbyn bears responsibility for this crowd, Rachel explained, “He (Corbyn) has chaired an event on Holocaust Memorial Day called ‘Never Again from Auschwitz to Gaza’. He has shared platforms with terrorists... who are classified as terrorists by the UK, by America, by the EU. He’s sharing a platform with these people, he’s giving a legitimate voice to Holocaust denial.”
“Surely you can have compassion and fight for the Palestinian cause without sharing your bed with Holocaust deniers and virulent anti- Semites.”
When asked why she speaks out Rachel explained, “If good people stay quiet then all you hear is the extremist voices.”
She has been threatened, taunted, intimidated and belittled, but she is not going to back down. Asked if she is scared at all, she replies that she is aware of the extremists that are out there,
and whilst she is cautious, she
is not scared. However, Rachel explained,“It is a very sad state of affairs that you have to be brave to call out anti-Semitism in the UK in 2019”.
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