Page 12 - TORCH Magazine #15 - February 2020
P. 12

 Hezbollah, which is responsible for terror attacks across the world, and subscribed to Iran’s tactic of setting up radical Islamist terrorist forces in the Middle East. Soleimani was also behind the brutal crackdown of protests in Lebanon, Iraq and Iran, where thousands of civilians were shot dead by Iranian-backed forces.
Threatened to wipe out Israel
Iranian political and Islamist religious
10 Funded Hamas, Hezbollah and other
terror groups
TerrorgroupssurroundingIsraelreceivefunding directly from the Iranian regime. Last year Iran agreed with Gaza-based Hamas to massively increase its monthly payments to $30 million per month which Hamas mainly uses for terror purposes. Meanwhile the Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, has said, “We are open about the fact that Hezbollah’s budget, its income, its expenses, everything it eats and drinks, its weapons and rockets, come from the Islamic Republic of Iran.”
Anti-Semitic conspiracies are rife in Iran, including Holocaust denial. For example, the Iranian regime sponsors a Holocaust cartoon contents that insults the victims and memory of the Holocaust and diminishes this atrocity. The regime also limits Iranians from hearing about the Holocaust and has sadly hidden the unique role that pre-revolution Iran had in receiving Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany.
11 Attacked our closest ally, the United States
16 Spread anti-Israel propaganda
leaders regularly threaten the demise of Israel. This obsession features in propaganda films and is even inscribed on the casings of Iran’s missiles. In fact, in 2017 a huge digital clock was unveiled in Tehran that is counting down 25 years to the destruction of Israel.
15 Promoted anti-Semitic conspiracies
 On 8 January 2020, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards launched numerous ballistic missiles at two military bases in Iraq used by US troops in response to the killing of Qasem Soleimani. The US embassy in Baghdad has also come under rocket attack by Iranian militia several times since the beginning of the year.
(IHRC), a British charity that openly backs the Iranian regime, is the main organiser of the annual Al-Quds march in London – an event that has seen the burning of the Israel flag, support for Hezbollah and promotion of anti-Semitic slurs. Video from a rally mourning the assassination of Qassem Soleimani in January shows the IHRC leader Massoud Shadjareh referring to the West as the “enemy” and vowing to “make sure there are many many more Qassem Soleimanis.”
“We aspire to be like him,” Shadjareh said, “We are jealous and we want the same thing for ourselves and our loved ones.”
Iran’s problems always seem to be Israel’s fault according to the regime. For example, protests in Tehran over its failing economy have been blamed on Israel. Iranian news media even blamed Israel for causing the deadly earthquake in 2017 saying they probably have a machine. Meanwhile Israel offered Iran aid. The Iranian regime also attempts to stage support for its hatred for Israel in order to mislead the rest of the world. But the anti- Semitic regime does not have full public support. For example, there are plenty of videos leaked on social media that show groups of Iranian students carefully avoiding walking over Israel flags that were painted onto the floor by regime members to serve its propaganda.
Supported anti-Israel demos in London
The Islamic Human Rights Commission
13 Cyber-attacked Members of
Iran was behind a massive cyber-attack in 2018 in which British MPs’ personal data, banks, local government branches and the Post Office were targeted.
17 Developed missiles that can reach Israel
and eastern Europe
For the past decade Iran has invested significantly to improve their weapons’ precision and lethality. It possesses the largest and most diverse missile arsenal in the Middle East with the added concern of Iran’s nuclear development programme.
Tested ballistic missiles
In 2019, Iran said it had successfully fired
a new long-range cruise missile that can reach 1,250 miles. This is in breach of the agreements of the Iran Deal. Whereas Iran’s missile capabilities are quite well known, Iran is also secretly making progress in its ‘space programme’ that could be used as a covert way of developing its capabilities.

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