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TheAmazingRaceisatelevisionshowwheretheparticipants, divided intoteams,willbetakenaroundthelocationchosen facingunique challengesandinteractivegamestogetpoints and,finally,bethefirst group across the finishline.
Theywillhavetousetheirphysicalandmentalskillsduringthe race, whileexploringthecityanditsmainmonumentsand buildings.
All the activities will be are inspired by the unique sicilian traditions, historyandcrafts:howtomakethebiggestpizza, howtoplaythe Marranzanuorascenefromthefamousmovie Godfather,howto prepareandpaintthemarzipanfruits (marzipan)andmore.
Do you want to be the first team to cross the finish lineŞ
Why to choose The Amazing Race.
Large range of challenges which can be tailored into your event. Both mentalandphysicalchallengestoovercomeand "blocks","deviations", "intersections" can be found along the way. Differently from the television series there will be no elimination, and all teams will play together until the end, so that everyone can enjoy the full game (despite this there will be some funny penalty like wearing some funny hats for the rest of the race, or having to make a doll giant with water3.The race could finish with therestaurantforlunch,sothateveryoneisontimetothe finishline!
No risk of getting lost, everyone will receive an emergency number to call in case of need to find a place or to receive a clue!