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    Nichola’s Weight Loss Journey
   before & after
A picture taken at Quality Week started the journey for Nichola Fahy (Quality Systems) to lose over 3 and a half stone over lockdown – Nichola started on the 29th October 2019.
During lockdown, WFH allowed
Nichola to complete 2 to 3 walks daily during the time she would have normally been commuting, she didn’t have the temptations of the office (sweets in the office, canteen etc) and was strict with food, eating healthily.
  Meet Lauren Smith:
My name is Lauren Smith, I’m a QA Technologist in the Foundry Value Stream. I joined DePuy Synthes in January 2019 as a QA Technician, and have worked in both Operations and Projects groups over the past 2 years. My favourite thing about the job is the day to day support of the Value Stream. For me the CoCr Volume Porosity
CAPA has been the most exciting project I’ve worked on this year. As a result of the project, we have improved our certification process across both Porocoat Value Streams, which now involves in process testing, ensuring we maintain the highest standard of product quality.
I am proud to
be part of a team which ensures the voice of the customer is heard when it comes to making quality decisions.
            Achievements from outside of work:
• Andreas O’Regan tied the knot.
• Aine Hurley had a new addition to her family, baby Mary.
• Laura Queen completed a Masters in Strategic Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma.
• Gary Kelleher, Sinead Murphy and Nichola Fahy completed a Diploma in Quality Management.
• Marek Muszynski has completed the Certificate in Quality Assurance
• Gerald Kelleher and Brigid McCarthy are completing a Diploma in Management and Team Development.

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