Page 10 - February 2016
P. 10

Love-hate relationship
B_rothersa nd Sisters,workingfrommyoffice your em p loym  ent withth e Dep artme n torthel ack oflife-                     
for you can be described at times as a love-hate                  
relationship when dealing with the Department.
changing benefits.
Recently, I have received calls and concerns from some                    
I am sure management would say the same, but
they do not have the luxury to speak as freely as I
  member s that they  do notha vehea lth ca reco v erage for
Managing with an “iron fist” can negatively affect
        a“no p ays tatus.” The  mem beratthatp oint canta kea  le ave
themselves or their dependents. Members finding themselves
can. They have become “yes men” and because
of that the people in charge have lost the chance out of medical or IOD time due to a long-lasting injury that                 
to hear some of the best ideas from their peers. they have not recovered from within 365 days are forced into                  
the growth of an organization.
of absence for medical reasons without pay and/or file for one                
As Theodore Roosevelt said, “The best executives are the                       
ones who have the sense enough to pick good people to do
In December, the Department announced a new policy          
           The three types of disability classifications are as follows:
that would place officers involved in shootings on administra-
tive duty/time off for 30-days instead of three days, if needed.                    
1. Ordinary disability                      
out of three of the disability benefit classifications within the
Policemen’s Annuity and Benefits Fund if they wish, and if               applicable to their circumstances, while all along in no-pay
what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from
meddling with them while they do it.” A
I could not standby and allow Interim Police Superintendent
2. Duty disability                      
John Escalante to take all the credit for it, when in fact the Lod ge was  invo  lved in  seek  ing to extend t he three days  . The factisth atI wasincom  m unication withthe De partme nt ea rly
3.   Oc cup ationa ldisea sed disab ility      
in December about this issue, and I advised them to be a
           Each disability benefit is unique from the next. A member
better employer and roll out a program that would address
that applies for one of these disabilities and is waiting for a
this need without stripping officers. I also talked about the lia-
bility to the city by ignoring the request. This discussion took place after certain needs were not being met with the officer(s) involved in a shooting in the 19th district on Dec. 13, 2015. The reality is that officers respond differently to stressful situations and their recovery time is just as different. This may all be related to PTSD which can be addressed with different types of therapy.
Medical corner
Pride can keep you from seeking needed help. Even with all of the outlets that the Lodge uses to inform its members, I still receive calls from members faced with issues when it’s too late, or the member will be faced with an uphill battle filing an appeal for a benefit he or she should have been entitled to. This happens because some missed procedural process has caused forfeit of their benefits. Nevertheless, the Lodge is ready to help. Call us, especially if the question is concerning
So get into a good diet of being informed, swallow your pride, and call the Lodge at 312-733-7776 or the Fund at 312- 744-3891 if you need guidance.
final determination by the Fund is required to contribute the same amount for health care benefits as an active officer and the Department will continue to provide the same coverage. If and when the Fund awards a member duty or occupational disability benefits, the member will continue to receive health care benefits at no cost and without any refund of their previ- ous contributions. If the Fund awards the member ordinary disability, the member is required to make contributions at a rate set by the Public Health Service Act (PHSA) minus the administrative fee of 2 percent as of the first day of the month following the Fund’s final decision on the member’s claim. If members fail to make contributions, they will find themselves without health care coverage.
Happy Valentine’s Day
FOP is here to serve and protect you,
so that you can better serve and protect the citizens of Chicago. God Bless!

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