Page 28 - September Issue
P. 28

Horses of different colors
A look at the six horses Peter Bucks has painted and the officers they honor:
For Officer Michael Bailey
End of Watch: July 18, 2010 Age: 62 Tour: 20 years Officer Bailey was shot and killed while attempting to take action in an attempted armed robbery in front of his South Side home.
He was one month from retiring.
For Officer Michael Anthony Ceriale
End of Watch: Aug. 21, 1998 Age: 26 Tour: 1 year, 3 months
Officer Ceriale was working undercover conducting a narcotics surveillance. Dur- ing the surveillance, he was spotted by the offenders who informed one of their gang's “security guards,” a 16-year-old juvenile, who fired from about 60 to 70 yards and hit Ceriale in the abdomen, just below his vest.
For Officer Michael Patrick Gordon
End of Watch: Aug. 8, 2004 Age: 30 Tour: 4 years The brother of the Chicago Police Memo-
rial Foundation’s John Gordon, Michael was killed when the squad car he was riding in was struck by a vehicle being operated by an intoxicated driver.
For Fallen Officers from the Department Bureau of Organized Crime
Former Chicago Police Commissioner Phil Cline, Director of the Chicago Police Memo- rial Foundation, commissioned this horse to honor Detective Wayne G. King (EOW: July 12, 1985); Detective Joseph M. Airhart, Jr. (EOW: Nov. 4, 2008); Nathaniel Taylor (EOW: Sept. 28, 2008); and Police Officer Paul W. Nauden (EOW: May 12, 2011).
For Officer Larry J. Vincent
End of Watch: Jan. 14, 1983 Age: 29 Tour: 3 years
Commissioned by President Dean Angelo in honor of his close friend and Academy classmate for the Lodge 7 foyer, Officer Vin- cent was killed and a fellow officer wound- ed in a gun battle with two burglary suspects.
For Officer Tom Wortham, IV
End of Watch: May 20, 2010 Age: 30 Tour: 3 years, 7 months
Officer Wortham was shot and killed after identifying himself as a police officer when four subjects attempted to rob him of his motorcycle.

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