Page 31 - November 2017 Magazine
P. 31

On the beat in real time
Last month I had
the pleasure of join-
ing PPO Martin
Kudra and his FTO
Rob Economos for a
Sunday evening tour
in the 9th District. It
was a busy night in-
deed, with a homicide, domestics, a car
accident and lots of other service fact, it was so busy that we couldn’t even take a lunch. What’s up with that?
Also this past month, we’ve celebrated Blue Masses at south side and north side parishes. Thanks to our Honor Guard, bagpipers/drum- mers and all who attended, making these occasions wonderful opportunities to thank God for our first re- sponders. God bless all who have chosen this most no-
ble profession!
And in last month’s FOP magazine,
articles spoke of recent unfortunate in- cidents in which the U.S. flag has been mistreated, intentionally displayed in-
correctly and disrespected by “reverends” and rich “professional” athletes claiming to be oppressed. It’s easy to dwell on the negativity of these poorly-execut- ed “protests.” Well, I’d like to share some positive re- sponses to these players performing on the sidelines rather than playing on the field.
A recent news piece spoke of Mary P. Boyle, Super- intendent of Catholic Schools in Camden, New Jersey, who has mandated that all participants in school-spon- sored sporting events show respect to the U.S. flag, the country it stands for and the men and women who died protecting it. A player’s display of disrespect benches him or her for two games, and a second vio- lation gets him or her off the team. Of course this rule will be unpopular among some who prefer disrespect- ful division over peaceful unity...but kudos to Superin- tendent Boyle for her courageous show of patriotism.
have come to love Holland and call it Home.
I have become a world traveler and discovered that it doesn’t matter where you land. What’s more import- ant is what you make of your journey and how you see and enjoy the very special – the very lovely – things that Holland, or any land, has to offer. Yes, more than a decade ago I landed in a place I hadn’t planned. Yet I am thankful, for this destination has been richer than I
could have imagined!
What a powerful message: “Don’t let your journey
Her director of communication states, “Our schools are founded on the teaching of respect and honor...for God, country and duly-appointed authority... The best approach is helping our young people understand that blood was sacrificed so that we all can enjoy the gifts of our faith and our country.”
Many FOP members and veterans have sworn off professional football because of the way the NFL has failed to address displays of disrespect by some of their players. And some former fans have tak- en it a step further. During the hours that they used to be glued to their televisions for Monday night, Thursday night or Sunday football, they
Father Dan Brandt’s
now do these things and more:
Volunteer at a VA hospital
Participate in a Bible study/faith-sharing group Clean out closets/attics/basements, donating unneeded items to a disabled veterans’ charity Walk/exercise/work out at a health club or Police fitness facility
Visit/check on elderly neighbors – especially vet- erans
Attend church services/Mass
• •
Folks who have weighed in are doing something pos- itive with their newfound free time this football season. And unlike those “protesting,” these good and humble folks are actually making a difference!
Finally, in addition to our regular second and fourth Sunday Masses at Mercy Home, this month we cele- brate Mass on Thanksgiving morning, Nov. 24. Due to the holiday, Mass time is moved up to 10 a.m. Come join in celebrating the beauty of this great nation – and praying for those who sacrificed so much for it.
God bless America! d
Father Dan Brandt, CPD Chaplain, can be reached by calling or texting 773-550-2369, or by emailing dan.brandt@chicagopolice. org.
end due to an unexpected change of destination.” Quote of the day: “Sometimes, the only way G-d can show us He is control, is to put us in situations we can’t
control.” Hmm...
On behalf of all your Chaplains, may G-d bless you
and keep you safe. Should you need a shoulder to lean on, some company for a ride along, or perhaps some good humor to share, don’t hesitate to give us a call. d
Rabbi Moshe can be reached by calling 773-463-4780, or by emailing

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