Page 32 - December 2018
P. 32
Honoring a Hero
‘One-of-a-kind Hero’
Courage, good humor, devotion to family, dedication to policing, selflessness, putting his life before others and a one-of-a-kind smile defined Samuel Jimenez
Starting each work day with a Café Car- amello made Chicago Police Officer Sam- uel Jimenez feel ready to throw an arm around the world. His partner in 002, Armando Zambrano, always hooked up Jimenez with the coffee drink that has some kick like a cappuccino but
is lighter and sweeter. Just like Sam. With some café in him, Samuel Jimenez lit up his family, his com- munity, his district and his sisters and brothers with an ear-to-ear, electric smile. He could be the good humor man in 002, spread- ing his devotion to serving just like he did to his soul mate, Crystal, and the Caramello of their eyes, daughters Ebony and Angelina and son Julian. He was their hero, and that’s all Jimenez cared about be- cause heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the
powers they are graced with. On Nov. 19, Officer Samuel Jimenez took off with Zam- brano, responding to a call of an active shooter in the 1st District where they had been passing through, deliver- ing some paperwork. Following a