Page 25 - March 2022
P. 25
Did you have any experience with female police officers before you became one? What are your thoughts about women on the job now?
The bulk of my short career so far has been spent in 007. I can honestly say the women who were there on midnights when I started all helped shape me into the officer I am today. If they are reading this, they know who they are. Without them even knowing it, they were showing me how to be the police, how to do the job and how to carry my- self in uniform. They were all professional, confident, very knowledgeable and weren’t afraid to go hands on if need- ed. I’d like to take this mo- ment to tell them, thank you! Thank you for being strong women. Thank you for taking me under your wings to show me that I can do it, too. You la- dies never made me feel like I couldn’t come to you for any- thing. Thank you, ladies!
I will say I don’t think I have ever seen or experienced unfair treatment due to gender. I’ve tried out for SWAT more than I would like to admit. Having made it through to the end once, I can honestly say they treated me fairly. I was not treated dif- ferent because I was a woman. That’s all we want. Women just want to be given the same opportunities and fair shot at any opportunity this department has to offer. It’s our job to make sure we are undeniable. If I ever felt someone thought less of me because I am a smaller female, that sounds more like their problem than my problem. I then let my work speak for itself.
Why do you think it’s so difficult to recruit female police offi- cers today?
Coming from IT, I’m used to a male-dominated environment. I’d imagine that could be a factor. Although, I’m very much of the mindset that we shouldn’t target women in recruitment but target the best candidates and, if that happens to be a lot of women, then that’s great. I’m not a fan of the separation of requirements during the POWER test. I think it should be the same for men and women. We are all doing the same job, so we should all meet one standard. When you really think about the POWER Test, it favors women, as we don’t naturally have upper body strength. But there isn’t anything that puts that to the test.
This department does not encourage or implement fitness or wellness as a priority. Even when they appear to do so, it’s com- ing from a place of just “checking the box” instead of truly trying to change the culture to improve the health of an officer. When you must pay officers to take an easy test, that’s a problem. Even then, not every officer signs up. This part of our culture needs to change.
Rumor has it that if a woman were ever going to be first to
make the SWAT team, it would be you. How does that make you feel?
Oh wow! Who started this rumor? That’s awesome! I’m cer- tainly trying my best to make it. That’s some pressure, huh? It’s a good feeling that people believe in me that much. I made it to the end once but was not selected. What that told me was I needed to do better. I didn’t make myself undeniable. I don’t concern myself with being the first woman, and it’s not my in- tention. At this point, I’m on a mission to prove to myself, not the department and not the SWAT team, that I can make it to the end and get selected. Again, it’s on me to make myself un- deniable.
I train pretty much every day, and not necessarily the same training. I try to make sure every day I am doing something that is going to make me better for the next day. I’m told often that I need to learn to just sit down and do nothing. But I can’t — I just don’t know how.
Evan and I do a lot of supplemental training, and we pay for it all. It’s not cheap, but it’s very much worth it. We love tactics and weapons proficiency. It’s a passion we share and love to do together. Travelling the country to get to great training has been amazing. We also have made so many lifelong friends through our training classes.
Esli is no longer a recruit, and, as a former instructor with 30 years on, I would go through any door with her. I respect the hell out of the police officer she has become and I’m sure now she could teach me a few things. I am proud to know her, and her husband Evan, and i believe that every female police officer should strive to be more like her.