Page 50 - March 2022
P. 50
Real Women Wear Badges
Advocating for the Underdogs
When she’s off duty, Chicago Police Officer Tammra Block is often recog- nized by community residents. She has been stopped by people who remember when she bought a homeless man a pair of shoes or when she paid someone’s bus fare.
Helping others is a huge part of why Block loves working for the CPD. Block exhibits kindness and empathy to bet- ter help victims by being a voice for the voiceless, not just for who you might think.
“Animals are completely voiceless, and they rely on us to be their voice. Kids, the elderly and domestic violence victims are voiceless, too,” Block explained. “And generally, the victims are women. So, I think that being a woman and being able to talk to another woman who’s been
a victim of a sexual assault or domestic violence, it’s easier for me to give them a hug rather than a male officer giving a hug to a female victim.”
As a young girl, Block listened to the experiences of a family friend who was a female Chicago Police Officer and re- alized that was exactly what she wanted to do.
Although her father, who was also an officer and retired 17 years ago, tried to deter her from coming on the job, she now proudly wears his star number, 2731.
Her father wasn’t necessarily worried about the job being too much for a wom- an.
“It was the job itself,” Block explained. “It was a difficult job, and there was a lot of stuff that he would witness because he did forensics, the same thing as me. He dealt with a lot of death and tragic situa-
Chicago Officer Tammra Block shows her love and compassion for the community through advocating for causes.
tions. It was more to protect me.” During the past 24 years, Block has worked in numerous positions. In ad- dition to serving as unit rep for Special Functions, a CAPS officer and a domes- tic violence liaison officer, she currently
Tammra Block is always ready to help the cause