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CHICAGO LODGE # 7 lÑÑáÅá~ä j~Ö~òáåÉ
First Vice President
Frank DiMaria Second Vice President Daniel D. Gorman Third Vice President Greg Bella Recording Secretary Kevin Kilmer Financial Secretary John Capparelli Treasurer
Bill Nolan Immediate Past President John Dineen Parliamentarian
Bill Burns
Al Francis, Jr. James E. Moriarty, Jr.
Robert Rutherford, Chairman Dean Angelo, Jr.
Mark Donahue
Pat Duckhorn
Sergio Escobedo Kathleen Gahagan Michael Garza Joseph Gentile
Ken Hauser
Tom Lonergan
Kevin McNulty Landry Reeves
Inez Riley
Jay Ryan
Steve Schorsch
Ron Shogren
Daniel Trevino
Field Reps
Keith Carter Marlon Harvey Thomas McDonagh
Magazine Committee Members
Greg Bella, Chair Joseph Gentile Bill Burns Thomas McKenna Michael Carroll Reggie Smith
President’s Report
Task Force Fallacy
How does one go about addressing the blatant, biased use of data and over- whelmingly slanted opin- ions of Chicago Police Officers that came from a four-month investigation conducted by the supposed- ly independent and profes- sionally staffed Chicago Police Accountability Task
ous intent by the Task Force to intention- ally sway the civilian reader’s thinking.
Force? This carefully selected, handpicked group decided to level numerous and baseless accusations upon every single member of the Chicago Police Depart- ment (CPD). The Task Force also offered up a bounty of suggestions about how to improve the CPD, the Fraternal Order of Police, Chicago Lodge No. 7 (FOP), our Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), as well as the Independent Review Authority (IPRA). Interestingly enough, this group of so-called subject-matter experts came to these conclusions with one - yes only one - EX-member of the CPD participating as a contributor to its collective efforts.
Rather than use its report to produce a professional document, the Task Force made the conscious decision to open the narrative with citations that were cut-and- paste statements taken from a Detective’s Supplemental Report, using several offi- cers’ names in an attempt to demonstrate collusion and conspiracy as another obvi- ous intent to sway the readers to view the police in a negative light.
In order to properly speak to each and every issue that emanated from the report, we would need many, many more pages then what our Chicago Lodge 7 Magazine presently offers. That being mentioned, we would be deficient in our responsibilities to the membership if we failed to address at least a few of the more outrageous statements made.
Rather than examine the Department’s attempts to head off the never-ending level of violence that is on pace to take over our city by further exploring the deployment of patrol personnel and spe- cialized units to the areas where they are needed most as a means to conduct a side-by-side study of where the street stop occurs to the stops’ proximity of violence and deployed manpower, the Task Force hastily reported that the CPD is racially biased.
What the Task Force attempted to pass off:
Rather than offer rank-and-file “real” police officers an invitation to participate as working group members as a means of ensuring that actual boots-on-the-ground perspective would be included or, at a minimum, considered, the Task Force thought it better to invite nearly 30 lawyers (several of which double as aca- demics), eight community organizers, three politicians, three ex-police officers - each of which achieved the rank of chief - and only one “listed” clergy member.
Rather than use its time and effort to put forward complimentary data that never appears in the headlines or on the nightly news, the Task Force decided to use “race,” “racism” and “racists” so often in the smaller version of the full 189-page Executive Summary. We invite our readers to highlight those references with the color of your choice, and you determine if the amount of markings offers up an obvi-
Rather than take the sufficient and nec- essary amount of time to be accurate and to examine each of the variables associat- ed with the reported street and vehicle stops (such as studying the ethnicity of those being stopped compared to the eth- nicity of the officers performing the stops), the Task Force quickly came to the determination that the CPD is systemical- ly racist.

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