Page 45 - FOP September 2016
P. 45

Real Troopers
A group of kids with dis- abilities enjoyed another first-ever experience courte- sy of Easterseals, one of Chi-
cago Lodge 7’s favorite partners.
In August, the Easterseals Girl Scout Troop 25266 par-
ticipated in its first-ever, all-day campout. The 13 troop members learned about camping and participated in traditional camp activities such as singing camp songs, reading scary stories, arts and crafts and outdoor games. Despite a little rain, the girls had a blast.
The troop was started to give the girls with disabili- ties access to the extracurricular or social activities they would have if they attended a public school. They sell cookies, learn the Girl Scout Promise and Law and prac- tice concepts like being honest and fair to make the world a better place. Their leader says the girls have a lot in common – they share interests and friendship and they also have Autism Spectrum Disorder.
With the support of the troop leaders, all of whom are also Easterseals staff members including occupational therapists, speech language pathologists, social work- ers, teachers and paraprofessionals, the troop lets the girls socialize while also working toward their goals. d

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