Page 24 - November 2021
P. 24
Memorial cards, Masses, and marriage retreat
In September, Beverly Country Club hosted a golf outing benefitting the 100 Club of Illinois. I had the privilege of driv- ing around in a golf cart with Nick Barra- co, delivering beverages to thirsty golfers. Nick’s family owns Barraco’s Pizza restau- rants, who love the police and the good work you do. Please patronize them when
you need a great South Side meal.
On Nov. 19, we commemorate the three- year anniversary of Officer Samuel Jimenez’s death at
Mercy Hospital. Sam’s memorial card — and many others — can be downloaded from our website. May he and all our fallen heroes rest in peace.
Thanks to the six North and South Side parishes that have host- ed Blue Masses in recent months. Our next Blue Mass is at Queen of Martyrs Parish in Evergreen Park on Sunday, Nov.
21 at 10:30 a.m. As always, we’ll pray with — and for — all
p.m. at their location at 21st and Indiana. Come share faith, fellowship and prayer with a like-minded group.
Attention, married couples: Chaplain Kimber- ly Lewis-Davis is putting together a police marriage weekend retreat at a beautiful resort in Itasca. It will be held the weekend before Valentine’s Day (Fri- day, Feb. 11 to Sunday, Feb. 13). Mark your calendar to come strengthen your marriage with a dozen or so other couples. Enrollment is limited, and attend- ee costs are offset by Police Chaplains Ministry and the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation. To re-
serve your spot, please email Chaplain Kimberly Lewis-Davis at
If the CPD chaplains can ever be of any assistance to CPD members, retirees or families, please don’t hesitate to call on us: Chaplain Bob Montelongo (773-459-5089), Rabbi Moshe Wolf (773-463-4780), Chaplain Kimberly Lewis-Davis (312- 771-6638), Chaplain Joe Jackson (312-771-6684), Chaplain Hysni Selenica (312-771-6692) or me (773-550-2369). All of these numbers are cell phones and receive text messag-
es. You can also email us through the chaplains’ website. Keep up with all of the above and lots more on our Face-
book page or website (
God bless you as you continue to do God’s work. Please stay
safe and healthy! Know that active or retired, you’re in our daily prayers.
Contact Father Dan Brandt, directing CPD chaplain, at 773-550- 2369 or
our heroes on the front line. No matter your faith tradi- tion, all are welcome. I hope to see you there!
From Your Directing Chaplain
Don’t forget our regular twice-monthly police Masses
offered at Mercy Home. In order to allow for social distanc-
ing, these Masses are celebrated in the indoor soccer field at Adams and Aberdeen. Mass is held on the second and fourth Sun- days of each month at 11 a.m. and, for the sake of on-duty wor- shippers, is kept under 30 minutes.
Please note that on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day, the police Mass is celebrated at 10 a.m. in the same location.
The Upper Room Club is back at Pizano’s — Thursday Dec. 9, 6
BRAVE Police & Public Safety Wellness Center
Help strengthen those who serve
Individual, group and family therapy for issues related to addiction, mood disorders, family and work-related matters, critical inci- dents and post-traumatic stress.
Being Brave Together
Road to Resiliency Program
Trauma & Addiction Tracks Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday 9 a.m.-Noon
Stress Management Training and First Responder’s Yoga is offered as part of BRAVE Center’s Wellness and Resiliency Program.
BRAVE Police & Public Safety Wellness Center
6323 N. Avondale Avenue, #111B, Chicago, IL 60631 847-778-9322
Meet Meeko, Therapy Dog & Employee of the BRAVE Center
Dr. Robin Kroll, owner and Clinical Director of BRAVE Police & Public Safety Wellness Center, is a Board-Certified Police and Public Safety Psychologist.