Page 27 - July2019 FOP Magazine
P. 27
Got questions before you deploy? We’re here to answer them
Several of our fraternal brothers and sisters are deploying to Afghanistan, while others are go-
ing on active duty tours. I’ve received and an- swered numerous requests for assistance.
I am honored to provide Chicago’s fin- est with accurate information so that they know what to expect through their mobili- zation, deployment and return.
After answering their questions, I’ll send them the following three documents:
• a pamphlet published by the U.S. Department of Justice that provides information on the Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA);
• a copy of 330 ILCS 61, which is the Illinois Service Member Employment and Reemployment Rights Act;
• and the Chicago Police Department Employee Resource 01- 14, Military Leave of Absence Act.
These are the references I use to answer all questions. So, con- tinue with your emails, calls or texts and we will help you get the right answer.
I remember being a young second lieutenant, driving my shiny new Mustang GT on post, and having to pull to the side of the road, stop and get out of the car and snap to attention. Twice a day, on U.S. military posts around the world, time appears to stop as honor is rendered to the colors.
The flag is raised or lowered while a bugle plays over the in- stallation’s speaker. All cars come to a stop. Soldiers salute and civilians place a hand over their hearts. This military tradition still
exists today.
I never found this burdensome but rather felt honored to
do so, for I had the privilege to serve among the best Amer- icans.
On June 14, along with Flag Day, we celebrated the U.S. Army’s 244th birthday. We raised the U.S. flag high and proudly at the Cruz home, with our Airborne Ranger flag
right below. As the Duke, John Wayne, said, “Sure, I wave the American flag. Do you know a better flag to wave? Sure, I love my country, with all her faults. I’m not ashamed of that,
never have been, never will be.” Hooah!
Hey veterans, did you know you are able to shop online at the
Exchange (formerly known as the Army and Air Force Exchange or Post Exchange)?
All honorably discharged veterans (open to active, Reserve, National Guard and retirees, regardless of military branch) are eligible to shop tax free online at the Exchange, with the same discounts they enjoyed at stores on base while they were in the military.
Additionally, the Exchange also price matches other retailers. Many items, including appliances, have free shipping and no re- tail sales tax. Simply go to and follow the steps to apply for an account. The Exchange must verify your el- igibility, so they will ask for your Social Security number and last name.
Thank you for all you do and please be careful out there.
If you have questions or comments, please send me an email at