Page 51 - April 2017 Newsletter
P. 51
The sports rivalry between Chicago police of cers and re ghters holds a uni ue place in the world of athletic competition.While they stand side-by-side as rst respond- ers, the Chicago Police and Fire defend their professional pride every time they step onto the eld, ice or in the ring against each other. On March , the 15th annual attle of the adges bo ing event pitted blue against the red in the name of charity before a packed gym at De La Salle Institute.
Since 1982, the Law O ces of Robert Hanaford have specialized in:
• Personal Injury
• Police Liability Issues
• Disciplinary Issues
• Police O cer’s Bill of Rights
• Criminal & DUI Defense
Professional Credentials include:
• Former NEMERT Instructor on Police Liability Under State & Federal Law & Control Tactics
• Instructor for the Major Crime Assistance Team on Police Liability & O cer Involved Shootings
• Attended the California Training Institute on Force Encounters Analysis: Understanding Human Performance during Critical Incidents
• Formerly employed by the Cook County Sheri ’s Police, Civilian Dispatch
• Assistant Judo Instructor Chicago Police Judo Club
O ces conveniently located in Chicago and Fox River Grove
150 S. Wacker Dr. #2600 100 S. Northwest Highway Chicago, IL 60606 Fox River Grove, IL 60021
Please contact us 24/7 for a FREE consultation: Phone: (312) 899-9020 • Cell: (312) 636-4807 Fax: (847) 516-5292 •
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